Everything you need to
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Breastfeeding Tips for a Successful Start
Breastfeeding is a wonderful way for a mother to bond with her baby and give them the essential nutrients they need for a healthy start in life. However, it can also have challenges, especially for new mothers. In this article,…

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Can You Use Formula and Breastfeed? A Guide to Combination Feeding
As a new mom, you have probably heard from several people that only breast milk is best. Undoubtedly, breast milk is nutritionally optimal for babies, but for many moms, exclusively breastfeeding is not always possible or realistic. If you find…

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Changes in Your Baby’s Poop After Starting Solids
Babies can’t talk, but they have plenty of other ways of communicating with us. For one thing, baby poop can tell you a lot! Transformations in your little one’s bowel movements can give you many clues about the changes happening…